Did Hollywood Stuntz Attack This Prius Driver In 2011?

Kinja'd!!! "PRBot II" (prbot2)
09/30/2013 at 23:16 • Filed to: two wheels bad, hollywood stuntz

Kinja'd!!!5 Kinja'd!!! 67

!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! claims no involvement in Sunday's !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! on 33-year-old Alexian Lien in New York City, but we're seing some striking similarities in the video with these guys perpetuating the same Asshattery.


Update: New video link, action starts at 1:10

These squids* have New York tags, so it could very well be them. If so, these guys are beyond out of control. While it's not clear what started the confrontation with the Prius driver, what is clear is Hollywood Stuntz attracts professional-grade Asshats.

*Squid: A young motorcyclist who overestimates his abilities, boasts of his riding skills when in reality he has none. Squid bikes are usually decorated with chrome and various anodized bits. Rear tires are too wide for their own good, swingarm extended. Really slow in the corners, and sudden bursts of acceleration when a straight appears. Squids wear no protection, deeming themselves invincible. This fact compounds itself with the fact that they engage in 'extreme riding' - performing wheelies in public areas. Squids wreck a lot. Derived from 'squirly kid'. !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!

*See also:




Instantly Dead


Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 21:21


They seem like "thugs" who learned (sort of) how to ride bikes.

Kinja'd!!! pdthedeuce > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 21:22


i'm a rider , and it's obvious that the whole point of these rides is to try to start shit .

Kinja'd!!! vdub_nut: scooter snob > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 21:25


No, it's really




Instantly Dead

And lynching implies that someone was killed.

Kinja'd!!! PRBot II > vdub_nut: scooter snob
09/30/2013 at 21:27


Thanks, fixed.

Kinja'd!!! desertdog5051 > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 21:29


These are the assholes that give all riders a bad name. Kinda like the "outlaw" bikers of the 60's-70's. Pains me to see this crap.

Kinja'd!!! Squid > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 21:48


Man I think I need to change my handle. . . .

But I would love to see a brodozer run all of those bikes over. (with out the riders on of course) But I do think the RR dude was justified in his actions. These ass clowns all deserve what they get. When one of them rides into oncoming traffic and gets killed I bet they will all beat the driver of the car. Fucking entitled little pricks.

Kinja'd!!! Jayhawk Jake > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 21:58


Yeah, if I was in that Prius I would have ran their asses over. Or at least tried, with a Prius I probably wouldn't have enough power to get over any of them.

Kinja'd!!! JustWaitingForAMate > PRBot II
09/30/2013 at 22:04


So wait, they block off the roads, impede traffic, harass and assault drivers...how have the cops not shut them down, and also, how have some of them not been shot?

Kinja'd!!! WarShrike > JustWaitingForAMate
09/30/2013 at 22:09


They haven't ridden in Texas, that's why.

Helmets and padded jackets don't do much against a .45 ACP, especially when the owner fires for effect when threatened.

Kinja'd!!! WarShrike > pdthedeuce
09/30/2013 at 22:09


Westboro baptist motorcycle gang!

Kinja'd!!! PRBot II > JustWaitingForAMate
09/30/2013 at 22:10


Police have arrested several of them recently, but not for the Range Rover incident. Yet.

Also, I'm sure one or a couple of these guys have stared down the barrel of a gun. Plus gun culture isn't as prominent in NY, but if they lived in Texas it might be a different story.

Kinja'd!!! Burrito de EJ25 > WarShrike
09/30/2013 at 22:14


Were you growing erect as you typed that in?

Kinja'd!!! WarShrike > Burrito de EJ25
10/01/2013 at 01:02


Nope, I don't carry because of an unfortunate event in public involving whipped cream, easy cheese, sandpaper and a pair of crocks two sizes too big :p

Kinja'd!!! OzzyOnIce > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 11:16


That's a new definition of Squid. When I was still racing off-road, over a decade ago, a Squid was an older, slower rider. Just out there screwing around. In hockey they would be called a Pylon.

Kinja'd!!! velyse > OzzyOnIce
10/01/2013 at 12:02


It's also a good definition of what they look like when mangled with their entrails hanging out. Pretty grim but you get the idea.

Squids ruin shit for everyone.

Kinja'd!!! Ken > pdthedeuce
10/01/2013 at 12:34


Thats what it seems like. Cause a minor traffic accident then beat the shit out of the driver. Then they can claim later that the vehicle is the one who started it. Too bad they're so dumb that they post the incriminating evidence online.

Here's to hoping more of them get run over and have their legs broken.

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 13:04


Is there anyway we can work together to get rid of this problem? There has to be some pretty resourceful people on Jalopnik that have some ideas. I am in TX where people behave (for the most part) but it really pisses me off to see this kind of behavior with no reprecussions.

Kinja'd!!! littlesisterswhip > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 15:08


Fuck these idiots.

Hoping to hear about more of them being ran over. Maybe after a few dead bodies pile up they will realize that motorcycles cant take on trucks.

Kinja'd!!! RazorGP > WarShrike
10/01/2013 at 15:13


I can tell you if the last incident happened in Texas there would be one shot motorcyclist the instant they ripped the driver's door open. The lot of them would have scattered and a court case would then be hyped and distorted to seem like the shooter was totally at fault when firing in self defense.

Damn biased liberal media outlets.

Kinja'd!!! jaxwagen > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 15:15


I would like to see these idiots make a trip to Central Pennsylvania, where we have real outlaw biker gangs.

Kinja'd!!! Ad_absurdum_per_aspera > OzzyOnIce
10/01/2013 at 15:23


I'd heard a couple other purported origins for the term (and hadn't heard the one given in the article).

The first one (20+ years ago) was a slimy bottom dwelling creature that moves in random directions as if by jet propulsion.

Later, I heard a rather graphic theory involving the resemblance to a squid after an accident left a flayed and broken body strung out behind a helmet.

Whatever its origin, I understood it to be a contemptuous term for a road rider with more engine than skill. Didn't realize it had a different meaning with the dirt-bike crowd.

Kinja'd!!! Joepah > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 15:35


It's hard to understand what has to go wrong in your head to think this type of behavior is something to be proud of, and record...LOL

Kinja'd!!! TronSheridan > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 16:16


These guys are not rider, bikers, or even enthusiasts. They are douchebag thugs who just happen to used bikes as a tool to be fucking douchebags.

Kinja'd!!! kadajawi > Mean-Jim-Green
10/01/2013 at 16:23


Be there at the next Hollywood Stuntz ride and wait for a reason to have a go at them. Of course be prepared with a video camera/car DVR so you can proof your actions are justified and you just ran over 15 bikers in self-defense. And, well, don't go unarmed I suppose, just in case it will be necessary.

Kinja'd!!! MrDude_1 > JustWaitingForAMate
10/01/2013 at 16:38


They get away with it because the police are easy to evade on a sportbike.... think of it, you fit anywhere wide enough for someone to walk. You have more horsepower then a small car, bigger brakes then a lot of performance cars, and you weigh 400pounds plus rider.
The reason they have not been shot is because no one that is obeying the law is allowed to carry a gun. So they can threaten whomever, without fear.

Kinja'd!!! fintail > Squid
10/01/2013 at 17:03


Why without the riders? Nothing of value would be lost :)

Kinja'd!!! sfmikee > JustWaitingForAMate
10/01/2013 at 17:13


The author included that clip above with the start time at about a minute. If you put the start time to 0:00 and watch, you'll clearly hear 3 gunshots right at the start.

Kinja'd!!! sam > Mean-Jim-Green
10/01/2013 at 19:22


lol, sure, next time the morons are on a rampage, going 60 up the sidewalks, string some wire across the road. I wonder how many will be cut in half, before they learn that, it's the wrong place to be?

Kinja'd!!! Manwich - now Keto-Friendly > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 20:11


But you know the odd thing with these squids? Some of them are in their 30s and 40s... meaning they're old enough to know better.

I'm 39 and I know well enough that acting like a jackass will eventually come around and bite you sooner or later.

Kinja'd!!! Manwich - now Keto-Friendly > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 20:12


But you know the odd thing with these squids? Some of them are in their late 20s, 30s and 40s... meaning they're old enough to know better.

I'm 39 and I know well enough that acting like a jackass will eventually come around and bite you sooner or later.

One guy who turned himself in is 42. The first guy arrested is 28 years old.

These aren't stupid young motorcyclists. They're just stupid jackasses that happen to be on motorcycles who mistakenly think they're The Shit.

Sidenote: I don't know what the hell is up with Kinja today... you edit something and you end up with a duplicate post.

Kinja'd!!! Manwich - now Keto-Friendly > Mean-Jim-Green
10/01/2013 at 20:22


Show up at the next Hollywood Stuntz ride with a bunch of Range Rovers?

Maybe get some F150 Raptors in on the action as well?

String up some fishing line?

Kinja'd!!! Manwich - now Keto-Friendly > sam
10/01/2013 at 20:28


Not wire... some fishing line. Quite strong, but harder to see. Strong enough to cause them problems, not strong enough to cause fatalities.

Consider this story:


Kinja'd!!! WillyThreeC > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 20:39


String up piano wire at neck level as they drive by please

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > sam
10/01/2013 at 21:53


Fantastic idea, but I was really hoping for someone to be able to use their "nerd skills" and get some licenses revoked or tip off the cops when they organize their next douchebaggery spree. I have a brother with the PA state troopers and he says that outlaw biker gangs are still very high on the radar of law enforcement. I am sure after seeing these recent problems that they are just itching to hit them with a mass bust. They also look like a bunch of posers that would fold really quickly if the cops nailed them. Nobody in that group is going to jail to protect anybody - unlike the Angels or Slaves who have a code. The fishing line is effective though, some folks where I grew up used it to deter some poachers on their land - nobody died, but they did get the message!

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > Manwich - now Keto-Friendly
10/01/2013 at 21:58


Wow, I just pictured a fleet of Raptors with snow plows clearing all that bro trash off the street! I don't like to see people get hurt, but I think in this case it just might be acceptable - you know, for the greater good...

Kinja'd!!! Bahamian > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 22:02


If you follow the you tube link you will see the same person that posted the SUV incident also posted this video so you could safely say its the same group.

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > kadajawi
10/01/2013 at 22:03



I think this would come in handy :)

Kinja'd!!! ZiptieMcBumper > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 23:41


I believe the #1 "these guys are asshats" red flag is the whole replacing the letter "S" with a "Z" thing.

But to their credit, now I can't look at the name of their "club" without thinking of this guy...


Kinja'd!!! PRBot II > ZiptieMcBumper
10/01/2013 at 23:44



That deserves an Arbor Mist™.

Kinja'd!!! ZiptieMcBumper > PRBot II
10/01/2013 at 23:50


I'll allow it, but it's a bit highbrow for me. I'm a Thunderbird man.

Kinja'd!!! . . > JustWaitingForAMate
10/02/2013 at 00:54


Because they live in a state which denies its citizens the right to defend themselves.

Kinja'd!!! Titi Williams > WillyThreeC
10/02/2013 at 03:45


If this wasn't on video this guy would be sitting in jail right now away from his child and wife is what is so sad. How many other people's lives have changed because of this behavior? Can you imagine being sent to prison for this kind of brutal barbarism inhuman acts of violence because of one or many humans band together act? Reminds me of a bunch of sharks feeding or monkeys trying to intimidate and over take pray. Sad for all involved. Including the poverty single parent no guidance motorcyclist (government) involved! So goes America as we all pay the price. Tourist, citizens, residents be cautious!!

Kinja'd!!! boxjohn > RazorGP
10/02/2013 at 05:34


Actually, there'd be one dead biker, and then everyone in the car would be killed because roving gangs of aggressive bikers are about the most likely group imaginable to be armed.

Kinja'd!!! Kugelblitz > ZiptieMcBumper
10/02/2013 at 07:32


What's the word?


What's the price?

Fifty twice!

Kinja'd!!! MFEJAL grey because who knows... > Mean-Jim-Green
10/02/2013 at 09:23


been in Houston recently, and even with traffic jams, drivers tend to act like humans. Was a surprise for me, coming form a small town south in Texas. I accept and recognize we are not patient at all here. I remember we had a jam last year downtown (like 20 cars!)

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > MFEJAL grey because who knows...
10/02/2013 at 11:17


El Paso is pretty good too, even with the roads not made to handle the amount of traffic we have people are mostly pretty good. I have noticed an attention problem, but I think that's national. But at least our bikers don't run in packs and harass the public. I think it's because we have a few real outlaw groups here and they wouldn't let shit like that even get started.

Kinja'd!!! RazorGP > boxjohn
10/02/2013 at 12:19


This situation is filled with to many bad decisions to really bring any what ifs into. Just saying if I was in that situation the first thing to happen would have been a 911 call while not stopping on the interstate. This followed by if they tried to open the door on my car leading to a possible broken wrist as i hear them messing with the door handle and me hitting the brakes.

Sad thing the news media probably won't latch onto this seeing as they can't make it a gun issue or anything racial seeing as the gang is mixed. All stupid, but mixed races regardless.

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > MFEJAL grey because who knows...
10/02/2013 at 13:06


El Paso is pretty good too, even with the roads not made to handle the amount of traffic we have people are mostly pretty good. I have noticed an attention problem, but I think that's national. But at least our bikers don't run in packs and harass the public. I think it's because we have a few real outlaw groups here and they wouldn't let shit like that even get started.

Kinja'd!!! MFEJAL grey because who knows... > Mean-Jim-Green
10/02/2013 at 13:10


u r right. Been in El Paso first week Sept and even with ramps closed everybody was kind enough to recognized I was a visiting redneck.

Kinja'd!!! boxjohn > RazorGP
10/02/2013 at 14:18


Actually it's been on CNN. My non-carlover mom in Canada knew about it.

Kinja'd!!! Chris > PRBot II
10/02/2013 at 16:22


Ha, thats the corner of Fresh Pond and Metro ( Map ). I probably know some of these idiots. Especially the ones that hangout by Kaotic.

Kinja'd!!! toadboy65 > PRBot II
10/02/2013 at 19:39


They seem to have taken down the video. Did anyone copy it?

Kinja'd!!! PRBot II > toadboy65
10/02/2013 at 19:55


I tried searching, but so far I haven't found it.

Kinja'd!!! NipperDawg > JustWaitingForAMate
10/03/2013 at 09:12


We are not that gun happy in NYC, also think about the logistics. You have four maybe 6 police cars trying to chase these guys down which split lanes in traffic, can make traffic jams on the spot, drive with no reguard for self preservation are very fast and highly manuverable compared to police cars (and even motorcycle cops). They are almost impossible to stop.

Kinja'd!!! Riain Suibhne > PRBot II
10/03/2013 at 13:25


This is why I've outfitted my Civic with bulletproof glass, run-flats and a cattle-catcher Project "Efficient Japanese Death Machine"

Kinja'd!!! Brando Gucci > PRBot II
10/03/2013 at 17:52


When I road in a motorcycle gang, we were men who raced around a track, not pinche pinochos who beat up families....so I'm not crying over the fact they're getting paralyzed for the Asshattery. Not at all.

Kinja'd!!! DoobieDoo > toadboy65
10/04/2013 at 12:23


Video is on YouTube

Kinja'd!!! lolwaffles69rofl > PRBot II
10/04/2013 at 20:54


More like Arbor Mizt amirite

Kinja'd!!! jimmykimo > WarShrike
10/07/2013 at 11:02


Funny, I just watched a video of these kinds of riders blocking a Texas highway and taunting a Texas cop...his dash cam video. The state or "gun culture" has nothing to do with it.

Try out YouTube, you'll see...

Kinja'd!!! jimmykimo > Mean-Jim-Green
10/07/2013 at 11:06


What is it with Texans? you're the third Texan on here saying this doesn't happen there. Checkout YouTube for the cops dash cam where they taunt HIM. Texas is just like anywhere else, good and bad people


Kinja'd!!! jimmykimo > PRBot II
10/07/2013 at 11:07


Maybe not so different in Texas..


Kinja'd!!! jimmykimo > WarShrike
10/07/2013 at 11:08


Texas stories..


Kinja'd!!! Shanghai888 > PRBot II
10/08/2013 at 04:37


It's strange to seen grown men and women behaving like that. I wish I could dissect their headspaces and see what's going on in there. It seems that in their minds they've very successfully re-branded the worst kind of juvenile behaviour as 'adult'. Like when I was still effectively a child but wanted to drink coffee because that's what the adults did. I feel that this must be the same instinct, except that coffee is something that real adults indulge in whereas 'sticking it to the man' in a way that is not actually at much risk of incurring consequences is exactly what children do.

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > jimmykimo
10/08/2013 at 22:37


You are correct, there are dumb people everywhere, and to be honest there are 49 states that could say it doesn't happen there - because this is the first time this kind of incident has such huge national attention. I have noticed while living here in El Paso for the last year that riders are pretty well behaved, other than the occasional speed freak or inattentive rider (would you believe texting on the freeway with no helmet, shorts and flip flops?). I think our close proximity to the real outlaw clubs keeps mass stupidity to a minimum. May I also add that I am not a Texan, I'm military who has spent the last decade all over the globe but I was born and raised in PA (where the only biker clubs we have put on pancake breakfasts for disabled vets every other Sunday :)
I have noticed that texans in general are kind of disproportionately proud of their state, it's a nice place to live, but damn, I wish they could give it a rest once in a while!

Kinja'd!!! Mean-Jim-Green > jimmykimo
10/08/2013 at 23:14


Wow, I just watched that whole video. Just. Wow. I can't believe the nerve, handing her drugs or whatever that was to him in plain sight of the cop. And how the hell was the highway that wide open? Not to mention the left lane hogging bikers LOL.

Kinja'd!!! WarShrike > jimmykimo
10/08/2013 at 23:40


"Harass and assault drivers" was the key point.

That police officer was on the brakes multiple times each time that pud brake checked him (pay attention to the nose diving on the cruiser). He easily could have sent that guy to the ICU for severe road rash.

Kinja'd!!! Goshen, formerly Darkcode > Squid
01/01/2014 at 06:49


No, it should run over the riders without the bikes.